Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Camera Techniques

Over the past few weeks, we have been practising with SLR Cameras which feature a number of techniques, such as : Aperture, shutter speed and ISO. All of these techniques can judge a photo instantly depending on what the settings are set to.

Shutter Speed :

Shutter speed controls the light and motion detected in a photograph. The camera auto focuses on the object ( can be done manually as well) and takes the photo. Shutter speed is read as a fraction. Ranging from:

The quicker the speed, the better the freeze lotion will be. This is so you're can capture moving objects without blur. But it lets less light in and gives it a darker image depending on what the setting is. Vice versa for a speed. More light in the photo but it has a blur lotion. 


With aperture, you can stabilise the depth of field in the photo. For example, if I wanted to just capture a photo of the object in front of me while everything else is blurred, I would give it a short depth of field. So that would be an F stop below 4. If I wanted the whole background, I would have a higher F stop. You can use many camera lens for aperture. Preferably people would use a wife angle camera lens to capture the whole background. 


ISO is what sensitivity your camera is. If you were to give a low ISO setting, it would be less sensitive towards the light and it would have more grain. People use higher ISO to gain a faster shutter speed and is typically used in dark areas and backgrounds. 100 ISO is the normal setting as this gives a crispier shot and it has less noise.

Here is an example of all the settings in their work.

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