My Unit 57 Photography Idea.
Idea: At the moment, I have two ideas for my album cover shoot. In the first one I plan to shoot a unusual , comedy style album cover where none of the artists are featured. This is shown in albums that feature in Rap and rock. I think this will be effective because artists like OFWGKTA use this for their album cover. They use edited photos that don't belog to them. For example, they portray their only white member Lucas Varetti, as one of their main images. On the other side of the album cover, they have a kitten's head flying through the clouds. They have combined other albums released by the group and put it in a collage titled @ OF Tape. Vol 2.
My other idea is a collage of two artists in 4 different photos. My inspiration this also came from OFWGKTA because of the layout and the cover of Demon Days by Gorillaz. They have their band animated and put into individual frames. I will do the same, but with just two people looking at the camera at different angles.
Location/Studio: For my first idea, the location is going to be in an office type area. I plan on shooting my photo at the AQA Examination Board offices down Oxford Road. Here I will use my friend who works at the office, sat down on his desk performing a pose.
My second idea will either be shot in a studio or at a local area. Here I will do 2 portraits of the two artists looking at the camera from a different perspective. I will have to make sure that the image is clear and that there are no disturbances.
Technical Considerations:
For my office shoot ad my portrait shoot, I will have to consider how the light is portrayed. The room is a very well lit room which I need to understand carefully. I will be focussing on the person in the middle. So I will have a low Aperture so my depth of field isn't that big as I only want to focus on one person. I will have a high shutter speed to ensure the quality of the image doesn't blur. And my ISO will vary depending on the brightness of the image.
Idea 1:
ISO- Vary
Aperture - F10 or below
Shutter Speed - 50+
Idea 2:
ISO- 100
Aperture -F10+
Shutter Speed : 50 or below
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